Mike Johnston, Pennsylvania State Director
-Tell us a little about yourself.
I’m Mike Johnston, a State Director for the Pickens Plan in Pennsylvania. I started my career writing op-ed pieces for several newspapers in the mid 1990s, most commonly writing about the environment, alternative energy and the arts. In the early part of the new century, I had a climate change/alt energy blog which saw a half million hits. At that time, I was asked to be an energy advisor to the Gephardt for President campaign and more recently, I’ve been writing on blogcritics.org and have been called one of T. Boone Pickens’ favorite bloggers on the Pickens Plan website.
-Why are you a part of the Pickens Plan?
I have been interested in alternative energy and the green economy for a long time and I see working with the Pickens Plan as a way that I can have a large impact in this effort.
-Tell us about things you’ve done to promote the Pickens Plan.
I’ve written blogs about the Plan and alternative energy in general, contributed ideas and perspectives on key elements of the Plan, served as a State Director for the Plan in Pennsylvania, and have attended events as a Plan Ambassador.
-Share one idea for what you’d like to accomplish through your work with the Pickens Plan in the next 3 months.
I would like to keep public awareness and support for a green energy economy alive and growing.
We are introducing a new series on the Daily Pickens Blog featuring New Energy Army members and how they are making a difference by being involved in the Pickens Plan. We hope you enjoy this new feature and who knows, maybe we’ll see you here soon! Click here to join your State and District Groups and get involved.