In an article in the Fort Worth Business Press, reporter John-Laurent Tronche writes that the natural gas industry has formed a group to “make sure natural gas has a voice in the [national energy] discussion going forward.” The group, America’s Natural Gas Alliance (ANGA) is a partner of the Pickens Plan. ANGA’s members, according to Tronche is made up of “the independent natural gas exploration and production companies that took shale gas from impossible to possible during the past decade.”

According to its CEO, Rod Lowman, “Natural gas has an important story to tell. It is abundant, clean American resource that can help end our dependence on foreign energy.”

To back up its plan to tell its story, ANGA is planning an $80 million effort to “explain how natural gas companies are going to make progress in increasing demand, which has been flat for the past decade, according to the Energy Information Administration.”

The article quotes Boone Pickens reminding readers that America spent nearly $25 billion on imported oil in August.

“It’s a threat to our national security, and it’s not helping our economy recover. Oil accounts for over 65 percent of the U.S. trade deficit, which just had its biggest percentage increase in a decade. With unemployment up and hovering near double digits, there is no more important time to harness our natural resources, like natural gas, to replace foreign oil at the pump and keep jobs and dollars on American soil.”

To read the entire article in the Fort Worth Business Press, click HERE.

— The Pickens Team