
As Boone mentioned in his email to you on Wednesday, the Pickens Plan had a great day at the National Clean Energy Summit in Las Vegas earlier this week.  Here’s a video of highlights from the event – we wanted to share this with you and ask you to forward it to just one friend and ask them to sign up as a supporter of the Pickens Plan at  Also below are a few of the best quotes from the day.

Keep up the good work! None of this would have happened without the pressure of the New Energy Army!

-Team Pickens

P.S.  To view full video coverage of the National Clean Energy Summit, click here.

From the National Clean Energy Summit in Las Vegas, Nevada on August 10, 2009:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid: “A year or so ago I started taking missionary lessons from a group supporting T. Boone Pickens.  I’ve taken the missionary lessons; I’ve met with him and I’ve been converted.  I now belong to the Pickens church. We’re very thankful to have him here, he’s been a good friend and a real visionary.”

Former Vice President Al Gore:  “So, for some uses, I endorse Boone’s idea on the 18-wheelers.  It will be time before we get the battery efficiency necessary to run 18-wheelers and they keep their engines running practically 24 hours [per day].”

Former President Bill Clinton: “I want to say a special word of thanks to Boone Pickens for not giving up on natural gas; now turns out we’ve got more than we ever dreamed we did.”

Former Vice President Al Gore: “Boone, I’ve bragged on you before – and I’m not just laying it on thick – I honest to God wish that more business leaders of your experience would care as much as you do, and throw themselves into this fight for the future of our country the way you’re doing and I congratulate you for that.”