The Energy Information Agency (EIA), has issued a draft analysis which makes the case for chartering a Green Bank/Clean Energy Deployment Administration. A Green Bank would, according to John Podesta of the Center for American Progress, “enable clean-energy technologies—in such areas as wind, solar, geothermal, advanced biomass, and energy efficiency—to be deployed on a large scale and become commercially viable at current electricity costs.”
The establishment of a Green Bank and the Clean Energy Deployment Administration (CEDA) has already been included in the House energy bill and the Senate Energy Committee bill.
Reed Hundt, co-chair of the Coalition for the Green Bank said, “CEDA’s low-cost financing can protect consumers state by state from any electricity price increases as well as create millions of new jobs converting our nation from carbon to clean as the basis of our economy.”
Podesta pointed out that “China is investing $220 billion of its economic stimulus package in green programs—over 3 percent of its total gross domestic product of $4.4 trillion.
“We have the opportunity to make the same choice that we have made throughout our history—to spur investments in critical new technologies and enjoy the broad-based economic growth that has made us the envy of the world,” he said.
Reed Hundt said that a Green Bank can help keep prices low for electricity generated from alternative sources “as well as create millions of new jobs converting our nation from carbon to clean as the basis of our economy.”
— The Pickens Team