The Wichita Eagle remembered a visit last July 30 by T. Boone Pickens to discuss the Pickens Plan to reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil.
In an editorial, the Eagle wrote:
A year ago today, T. Boone Pickens brought his crusade for energy independence to Kansas, including to the offices of The Eagle editorial board.
The editorial said, that Pickens, has “had an undeniable impact, converting many people to the cause of breaking the nation’s $700 billion-a-year addiction to foreign energy.”
The editors point out that the NAT GAS Act – H.R. 1835 in the U.S. House and S. 1408 in the U.S. Senate which “Pickens predicts it will pass with bipartisan support.”
The editorial goes on to talk about wind energy:
“Western Kansas is the perfect place for turbines,” Pickens said, though “transmission out of there” isn’t perfect yet, and siting of transmission lines requires federal involvement.
To read then entire editorial click HERE.
— The Pickens Team