Everyone knows the “50-Mile Rule.” That is: An “expert” is anyone who lives more than 50-miles away.

The Dallas Morning News ignored the 50-mile rule with a major article about T. Boone Pickens – who lives in Dallas – on the upcoming first anniversary of the Pickens Plan.

In her article, DMN reporter Elizabeth Souder wrote:

The oilman-turned-environmentalist proposed a seemingly simple plan: Convert cars, especially big fleets operated by companies and municipalities, from gasoline to domestic natural gas. And start generating more electricity from wind.

Although we are still importing about two-thirds of the oil we are using, Boone said, the Pickens Plan is having an effect:

“We have gotten everything we went after. I have people say it didn’t go very fast. Go back and compare it to other things. I think we’ve moved very fast.”

There has been movement on a Renewable Electricity Standard (RES), a 21st Century Transmission Grid, a Green Bank, investment tax incentives and the NAT GAS act has been introduced in the House with nearly 70 bi-partisan co-sponsors.

On the non-legislative impact of Boone and the Pickens Plan, Souder wrote:

Because of Pickens, the term “foreign oil” entered the presidential campaigns, executive speeches and everyday discussions.

In addition to the article, there is a very interesting interview with Boone which you can access from the same page.

Further demonstrating the non-partisan nature of the Pickens Plan, Souder quotes the EPA administrator:

Lisa Jackson, appointed by Obama, said Pickens “points out some really important policy issues.”

For example, Pickens rightly talks about the importance of building transmission lines to carry wind-generated power from rural areas to population centers, she said.

To read the entire article – and to view the video – click HERE.

— The Pickens Team