T. Boone Pickens will be the guest on the popular Internet radio program, “The Green Revolution Show” at 11:00am (PST) on http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Mr-Wayne
Mr. Wayne and Boone will talk about the upcoming Energy Independence Day – July 8, 2009. From the Mr. Wayne website:
It’s the best plan we have on the table, and quite frankly, the only plan. Boone has said himself, that a fool with a plan is better than a genius without a plan, and…we look like a fool without a plan.
Listen in and join the conversation as we talk with T. Boone Pickens and hear how the 1-year anniversary of the Pickens Plan will be celebrated, and what exciting things lie ahead for America and her Energy Independence!
Tune in on your computer today at 11 am Pacific Daylight Time. The The Green Revolution Show.
— The Pickens Team