The pace of our march toward energy independence is picking up. Legislation has been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives – H.R. 1835 – which will make a huge difference in the way we use domestic natural gas to replace foreign oil.
H.R. 1835 is known as the NAT GAS Act of 2009 and will provide incentives to move fleets and heavy trucks away from imported gasoline and diesel to clean, domestic natural gas.
Click here to email Congress today about the NAT GAS Act.
The NAT GAS Act is one of the very rare bi-partisan pieces of legislation making its way through the process. Because of the power and speed that you and the other 1.5 million members of the New Energy Army have been responding, Members of the House and Senate know we are watching them to see if they take advantage of this unique moment in time.
We now know we have enough natural gas in the huge shale deposits under Appalachia, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas to MEET ALL OF OUR NEEDS for well over 100 years.
Click here to email Congress today about the NAT GAS Act.
Oil prices are rising again. You’re seeing it at the pump and prices will continue to go up from here. The time to act is now and H.R. 1835 is the best tool we’ve had in decades to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.
I need you to spend a minute or two to contact your Member of Congress and ask them to become a co-sponsor of H.R. 1835. The way the Congress works is that momentum breeds momentum. There are more than 40 co-sponsors – Republicans and Democrats – on the NAT GAS Act and more are joining every day. But when the New Energy Army straps on and moves out – the way I know you can do – we’ll get Members of Congress talking to each other in committee hearings, in the hallways, in the cloakrooms and on the House floor asking: “Have you signed on to 1835, yet?”
You are having a real impact on America’s energy policy. Let’s keep pushing forward and get H.R. 1835 through the House and into the Senate.
Click here to email Congress today about the NAT GAS Act.
— Boone