Two Local residents Join Parade of ’08 Salaries Listed in Magazine – San
Diego Union Tribune – 4/14/09

Texas Leads in Wind Energy but Faces Challenges
– Fort Worth
Star-Telegram – 4/14/09

Why Insurance Agents Should Follow Stimulus Package
– Insurance Journal
– 4/13/09

Loosening the Wind Belt – Colby Magazine – Spring 2009

Wall Street’s Highest Earners – – 4/14/09

Kennedy Connects Politics, Energy at Fort Collins Conference
– Fort
Collins Democrat Examiner – 4/13/09

Top-Rated Stocks Blowing the Doors Off This Market – The Motley Fool –

Get Real: Energy Will be Increasingly Expensive
– Financial Sense
Observations – 4/13/09

Gazprom: A Russian Invasion? – Hard Assets Investor – 4/13/09