Last week was a great week that built upon some exciting things happening in Washington…and of course there was the Virtual March. And all indications are that we’re having a huge impact.
A few highlights:
— A major piece of natural gas legislation, the New Alternative Transportation to Give Americans Solutions
– NAT GAS Act 2009 – was introduced by a bi-partisan group of Representatives.
— New Mexico Senator Jeff Bingaman is promoting policies to create a National Renewable Electricity Standard of 20 percent from alternative sources by the end of 2020.
— There’s legislation to begin the process of building a 21st century transmission grid, as well as legislation to extend Production Tax Credits for wind and solar. In addition, proposed tax credits for energy efficiency in homes and buildings are also making their way through the legislative process. Senators Dorgan and Voinovich introduced a bill that would address many of the issues that have impeded development of transmission needed for renewable energy. We now have two very good bills, the other from Senator Reid, to address transmission issues.
Congress is in recess and that means many U.S. Representatives and Senators are back in their home districts and states. So the Virtual March is going to continue for the next few weeks – we need to keep going. If you didn’t get a chance to email your Members of Congress last week, click here and send them an email asking them to support the Pickens Plan – today.
Over the next few weeks the District Groups will be communicating with Members of Congress while they are at home with letters to the editor, attending town hall meetings, and in person visits. If you aren’t yet connected to your District Group, click here to join today and let’s keep marching forward!