U.S. Senator Harry Reid (Nv) the Senate Majority Leader, yesterday introduced the Clean Renewable Energy and Economic Development Act saying, “Reforming our energy policies to build a cleaner, greener, national transportation system — an electric superhighway — must be a top national priority.”
T. Boone Pickens’ who’s Pickens Plan campaign has been a major driver in forcing public discussion of the need to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, said “Harry Reid has been shoulder-to-shoulder with me and everyone else who is looking for ways to replace foreign oil with domestic energy sources.”
The Pickens Plan calls for building out the wind-generated electricity capacity in the Great Plains and solar-generated capacity in the Southwest and use that new power to replace natural gas.
Natural gas would then be made available as a transportation fuel – instead of an energy production fuel – to power a significant proportion of 18-wheelers and fleet vehicles which currently run on imported gasoline or diesel.
“It is pretty obvious,” Pickens said, “that it doesn’t make any sense to generate large amounts of electricity in New Mexico or Wyoming if we can’t get that power to the East and West coasts where it is needed. That’s why Senator Reid’s bill is so important to America’s energy future.”
To read the Las Vegas Review-Journal’s coverage of the Reid announcement, click HERE.
— The Pickens Team