The T. Boone Express has been in the air a great deal this week. Starting on Monday, Boone braved a major late-season snowstorm as well as Whoopi Goldberg and Barbara Walters to appear on “The View” television program.

As always, Boone’s presentation was so convincing that even Whoopi Goldberg got on board the theory of the Pickens Plan.

Boone laid out the problem – 40 years with no energy program, importing 70 percent of our oil and using 25 percent of the world’s oil supply with only four percent of the world’s population – but also, as always, laid out the solution: The Pickens Plan.

Part of the allure of “The View” is the often-contentious nature of the discussion either between the panelists and their guest, or among themselves. After parrying with Whoopi Goldberg on whether he is a Republican or a Democrat now, (Boone said, “Well, Whoopi, I’m an American first”) Joy Behar asked if she could call him “T.” He said, “Just don’t call me Boone” which brought down the house.

While in the air on the T. Boone Express, Boone did an interview with Air America’s David Bender who began the segment by allowing Boone to talk about the Pickens Plan and the need to “replace the 70 percent of foreign oil we are importing with domestic sources.”

Boone broke it down into two parts for the Air America listeners:

“First we have to get onto renewables – that’s the wind and solar, and we have to build out a 21st Century grid to move that energy to the East and West costs.

“The second part of the plan is to get on a resource that will replace foreign oil – especially for heavy trucks. The only domestic resource available to do that is natural gas.

“We have big volumes of natural gas which can replace big volumes of foreign oil.”

Bender said that Fox News had said that if the Pickens Plan were adopted then the price of domestic natural gas would rise.

“Well, if they’re not for what I’m proposing here, what is there plan? They have no plan, so their plan is: foreign oil.”

Boone ended the segment by urging listeners to go to the Pickens Plan website to sign up to participate in the Virtual March on Washington April 1-3 by going to

“This is important to everybody in America,” Boone said, “It doesn’t have anything to do with politics at all. It’s about us and we have to be energy secure.”

After acting like the U.S. Post Office and braving wind and weather in New York, Boone flew back to Dallas for an evening Town Hall at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth.

The house, as usual with college students and Boone, was packed. Reporter John-Laurent Tronche, who covered the TCU event for the Fort Worth Business Press wrote:

The first step toward reducing the nation’s dependence on oil is converting 350,000 18-wheeler trucks to natural gas, which Pickens said could reduce imports by as much as 4 percent. The government should provide incentives for fleet owners to make the conversion from diesel to natural gas, such as an $80,000 credit, he said to a packed house in TCU’s Brown-Lupton University Union ballroom.

You can read Tronche’s article HERE.

The final stop on the two-day whirlwind was in Chicago where Boone addressed the Green Truck Summit at the annual Work Truck Show. These are the folks who buy, sell, maintain and use the heavy trucks which Boone wants to move from imported diesel to domestic natural gas.

A very interesting report on Boone’s speech was posted by the Medill News Services’ Leslie Patton which also includes a short video you should take a look at. You can see Ms. Patton’s report HERE.

A reminder: If you haven’t RSVP’d for the Virtual March, you need to do it now by clicking HERE.

— The Pickens Team