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Jordan Birden, an incredibly bright and talented member of the Pickens Army, heads a Pickens U chapter at Texas A&M University.
Friday, he attended Boone’s Monthly Oil Numbers press conference in Houston and had this to say about his experience:
“This morning I had the privilege of attending Boone’s press conference in Houston. During the event, hosted by TranStar ( a consortium responsible for providing Transportation Management and Emergency Management services to the Houston area), Pickens released the U.S. Department of Energy Information Administration’s figures on imported Oil to the United States. For the month of January alone the U.S. imported 67.4 percent of its oil, which amounts to 408.7 million barrels.
Boone hit the nail on the head when he explained that over that 31 day period we gave $17 billion away to countries that “aren’t very nice to us.” Accompanied by State Representative Beverly Woolley, the two emphasized that the US could put that $17 billion a month towards better uses such as updating and repairing infrastructure which in turn could produce jobs, and create more efficient highways.
What I took most interest in was Boone’s proposal to convert 350,000 large trucks/semi’s to natural gas. In response to an NBC reporter’s question about what the average every-day American can do to help, Pickens said “join the Energy Army.
He wants us to know that every single person that joins the New Energy Army makes a difference. My favorite quote from Boone today was, “When meeting with members of Congress and the Senate I used to have to wait 30 minutes to see them, now they wait 30 minutes to see me. It’s power when you have a million plus people walking with you.”
I’m glad Jordan was able to attend. Boone loves it when members of the army can come and participate in events with him. Jordan is also an active member of the TX-17 District Group. If you haven’t joined your District Group yet, click here to get started organizing Pickens Plan efforts in your community.
Geoff Bailey
Regional Leader