United States Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas is the latest member of the U.S. Senate to sign the Pledge for Energy Independence.

She joins 58 Members of the United States House and Senate, more than a dozen Governors, 200-plus Members of State Legislators, and over 170 Mayors who have joined with T. Boone Pickens and his 1.4 million-person Pickens New Energy Army in urging “President-elect Obama and the 111th Congress to enact an energy plan that reduces our foreign oil dependence by at least 30 percent within ten years.”

Senator Hutchison is the Ranking Member (Senior Republican) on the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation. A major principal of the Pickens Plan is to design programs and policies which will make it easy for current over-the-road trucks and fleet vehicles which use gasoline and diesel as fuels to be replaced by vehicles which use natural gas.

Boone said, “Senator Hutchison is in an excellent position to help carry our message to the entire U.S. Senate. As a Texan, she understands energy and as a 15-year veteran of the Senate she understands how to keep important issues on the front burner.”

— The Pickens Team