After we finished up with the State Legislators I spent a few minutes with the U.S. Senator from Georgia, Johnny Isakson. We talked about the energy deal, the bailout deal, and some of the other issues the 111th Congress will be facing starting on January 6th when the new Congress opens.
Then, Sen. Isakson signed the pledge. Didn’t hem and haw. Didn’t say he would take it back a look it over. He took a pen and signed it.
My kind of U.S. Senator.
After that we drove over to the Borders Bookstore and signed some books “The First Billion is the Hardest.” But, of course, before you can get a book signed you have to listen to the lecture about the Pickens Plan.
We had a pretty good crowd for a nice Saturday afternoon in suburban Atlanta. I was glad to chat with the folks and sign their books for Christmas presents.
I know I’ve told you this before, but none of the proceeds from the book go to me. They all go to the Brooke Army Medical Center – which cares for wounded soldiers and to the Fisher House which allows families to live close to where their loved ones are being tended to.
So, if your trying to decide what to give some folks, go and buy a handful of “The First Billion…” It’s a really good book and the proceeds go to some really good causes.
— Boone