
I understand there is some confusion about our wind project in Pampa, Texas. The current economic situation is having an effect on our project, but my commitment to wind energy as a cornerstone of the Pickens Plan has not diminished one bit. The economy will recover, and we will be able to provide 3.5 million new jobs in the wind sector over the next ten years.

But that doesn’t change the focus of the Pickens Plan: We have to reduce our dependence on foreign oil through the use of wind, solar and natural gas or we will find ourselves in this economic ditch permanently.

Here’s the statement Mesa Power put out the other day.

“The capital markets are problematic for everyone, and we are keeping an eye on them. We are committed to wind development projects and believe it’s a viable business for us. The capital markets may lead us to slow down a bit but we are still going forward with our wind business,” said Jay Rosser, spokesperson for Mesa Power.

— Boone