South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford is the latest elected official to sign T. Boone Pickens’ Energy Independence Pledge.
From the press release:
“I am a conservative’s conservative, and as such believe in not just the sustainable use of financial assets, but in stewardship and the sustainable – or ‘conservative’ – use of natural resources. When you look at the numbers, the current trend lines are completely unsustainable with regard to our dependence on foreign oil,” Gov. Sanford said. “We believe the Pickens Plan not only recognizes that, but also recognizes that the only sustainable path for our country is to aggressively pursue alternative energies to meet our needs now and in the future. We also believe very strongly that this can be done in a market-based fashion rather than by government edict, and in that regard represents a real economic opportunity for our country. What Boone has done in building an army of support of over 1 million strong for this plan is to be admired, and will be key to elevating this debate at a national level.”