I want to update you on the Pickens Petition deal, but first let me tell you about the last couple of days. The T-Boone-Express landed in New York City for two days of meetings, speeches and television appearances to boost support for The Plan.
With the kick-off of the Pickens Petition that you in the New Energy Army are pushing, I wanted to make sure we attacked on all fronts.
The first television show was Jim Cramer’s “Mad Money” on CNBC. Jim is a big believer in the Pickens Plan and we had about half the show to talk about it.
If you’re going to be on the set with Cramer, you have to take off your jacket and roll up your sleeves! Look at the right-hand side of this photo—they billed me as the “Man with a Plan.”
Later that evening we went over to the Fox studios to do a few minutes with Sean Hannity and Alan Colmes. I was on at the end of the program, which is sort of a good thing because if you’re on at the beginning or in the middle, you get hustled on and off the set so you can be replaced by the next guy.
If you go on at the end, you get to hang out and really sell the deal.
Hannity and Colmes tried to get me to pick a favorite in the presidential race, but I told them that I’ve promised to stay out of this one because fixing our energy situation is so important.
I DID tell them that neither candidate has a plan to reduce our need for foreign oil, and that we had started the Pickens Petition to tell both of these guys that we either want them to endorse the Pickens Plan or come up with their own plan.
The next morning we went over to visit with Don Imus. He has a radio show which is also simulcast on the RFD cable network. Don drove through Sweetwater, Texas one year, on his way to his Imus Ranch for Kids with Cancer which is over in New Mexico.
He was interested in how we had gathered almost a million-and-a-half members of the New Energy Army, so we talked about that on the air. And, like I was saying, if you are the last guest you get to hang around and really do the hard sell.
Ok. Now to the infantry report for the Army. We started the Pickens Petition a little after six on Thursday night. Within 12 hours we had over 20,000 signatures! 20,000, is a very good start. No mistake about it.
The petition is pretty strong language asking both Sen. McCain and Sen. Obama to endorse the Pickens Plan. There are nearly 1.5 million members of the New Energy Army, so I need you go take just a few seconds and click on over to the Pickens Petition and then get your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers to sign the petition, too.
There are only 18 days to go before this election, and we need these candidates to either endorse the Pickens Plan or tell us what THEIR plan is.
— Boone