Hey, all. I skipped over something the other day that is really important and I think we need to focus on it. The other night we went over the 600,000 mark in members of the New Energy Army.

Six Hundred Thousand.

You know I want to bring one MILLION people to the party in Washington when we demand the Congress and the White House come up with an energy plan as part of the first 100 Days of the new Administration, so I am very happy that we are moving well in that direction.

When we had 200,000 people, I would have needed each of you get four others to get to that one million number. But, at 600,000 the math changes.

Now, what I need is for each one of you to get just ONE other person to come to PickensPlan.com and sign up to become a member of our New Energy Army. Just one person.

I know not everyone will do that, but I’m betting that enough of you will so that the sheer momentum of 600,000 Army Members will get this thing really moving.

Remember, we are going to have a huge E-RALLY on Tuesday night during and right after the second debate between Barack Obama and John McCain, so that presents a great opportunity for you to get one of your family, friends, or colleagues to come on board.

If you haven’t done it yet, I need you to RSVP for the E-RALLY by going to this link:

Let’s keep the pressure on. Reach out to someone today and get them to sign up to be part of the Pickens Plan!

— Boone