July 2012 marks the 4th anniversary of the Pickens Plan. Over those four years we — and I mean you and me — have had a profound impact on the energy dialogue in America.
When we began our initiative, few understood the potential for natural gas as a transportation fuel and the impact it could have in freeing us from OPEC oil dependency. Today, that notion is gaining increasing favor among businesses, local, state and the federal government, and the media. Together, we have made America’s energy security a top ranking on the list of important issues facing our great nation. And you — the 1.7 million members of the Pickens Plan army — have been the single most important element of that success.
I thought it might be interesting to take a look back over the last four years by assembling a video of the places we’ve been, the people we’ve met and the conversations we’ve had. I hope you’ll watch this, enjoy it, and please feel free to pass it along to your friends, family, and colleagues.
— Boone