Earlier today, T. Boone Pickens was a guest on CNBC’s Squawk Box. Immediately following, he was Maria Bartiromo’s guest on Fox Business. Following are excerpts from Boone’s interviews and links to videos from the shows.
On the Keystone Pipeline
“I can’t believe that for six years you’ve had a Christmas present on the front porch. A guy knocks on the door and says, ‘Here’s a nice present for you,’ and you say, ‘Well, we’ll think about it.’ It’s nuts. Here you have oil offered to you, you don’t have to have the fifth fleet in the Persian Gulf, you don’t have to have your military, you don’t have to have anything to protect it, here it is, you can have it, and it’s all for you and we’re still sitting here. ”
On Weights and Measures
“We tried in Washington to get something done. We now are working at the state level. We’re getting some of the archaic stuff out of there now. Somebody all at once showed up and they want to sell natural gas on a kilogram basis. What is this all about? We already have converted natural gas, mcf, over to diesel gallons. It’s very simple to do. You wonder where some of this stuff comes from.”
On Filling Stations
“The stations are in. They have 100 stations on the interstates now. That’s ready to go. Don’t worry about that. If you talk about the government doing the infrastructure, that’s a nightmare. That will with be a huge mistake. It’s something the left and right could come together on.”
More Excerpts
“Because of a cold winter, we’ve drawn down storage to where we’ll be under a trillion in storage and that’s the first time that’s ever happened to us. What does it mean? It means we still have a lot of natural gas. We had almost 4 trillion in storage. We pulled down and we’re under 1 trillion coming out of storage. That will end at the end of March.”
“We could do better. Just letting the markets work and money go where it’s treated best has done pretty well with the shale revolution. The leadership should be, they should come and do the Southern California deal on trash trucks, take the heavy-duty trucks to natural gas is what you should do. When you do that, you’ll cut off 3 million barrels a day.”
“We import 4 million barrels a day of OPEC crude. Cut 75% of it out with 6 million trucks.”
Boone’s natural gas energy plan
Putin is a ‘young Joe Stalin’
Strong natural gas prices through the summer
Russia will use gas and oil as weapons of war
T. Boone Pickens’ outlook for oil
T. Boone Pickens on natural gas, Keystone
T. Boone Pickens Q & A