Dear Members of the Pickens Plan Army:
We want to thank you.
Several weeks ago we told you CNBC was asking America to help them decide which 25 people have had the biggest impact on American business over the past quarter century since CNBC was first launched.
CNBC encouraged us to engage our social network in support of this contest. We did, and you responded in a big way. Tens of thousands of you voted for Boone and, overnight, you helped move Boone Pickens from 24th on the list to number eight.
But, sadly, CNBC has made significant changes to the contest, and your votes were disregarded. According to CNBC, a special judging panel decided to disqualify Boone on the basis that the bulk of his contributions preceded 1989 (ironically, the decision to remove Boone from the list of “Contenders” came from the same panel that decided to put him on there in the first place!). Of course we think their decision is ridiculous – there are third-world countries that do a better job with voting than the CNBC contest team – but one thing we’ve learned from the legendary oilman is this: When you have a dry hole, plug it and move on.
The contest CNBC announced is different than the contest they are moving forward with. So we’ll just move along, too.
Boone Pickens has a long and storied relationship with CNBC. Through their partnership over the years, the American public has grown more informed on key energy issues. The impact that education has had and the important role you have played in helping reshape the energy in America has never been clearer. Our country is better off today because of Boone’s efforts and your involvement.
That is why, despite the hiccup, we expect Boone’s relationship with CNBC will continue. America’s energy future is more important than a TV contest.
-Team Pickens