American ingenuity, coupled with our country’s immense natural resources, have combined to elevate the U.S. to the top slot in global energy production, specifically, oil, natural gas and related fuels. According to the Wall Street Journal, if the U.S. hasn’t already surpassed the previous leader – Russia – it will do so any day.
U.S. energy output has been surging in recent years, a comeback fueled by shale-rock formations of oil and natural gas that was unimaginable a decade ago. A Wall Street Journal analysis of global data shows that the U.S. is on track to pass Russia as the world’s largest producer of oil and gas combined this year — if it hasn’t already.
Energy experts are blown away by this singular turn of events in which soaring U.S. production has defied all previous forecasts. That is especially the case with natural gas. Since 1982, Russia has been the world’s largest producer of natural gas. Last year it lost that crown to the U.S.
“This is a remarkable turn of events,” said Adam Sieminski, head of the U.S. Energy Information Administration. “This is a new era of thinking about market conditions, and opportunities created by these conditions, that you wouldn’t in a million years have dreamed about.”
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