We’re making progress!
Vehicle owners using natural gas in Pennsylvania have already saved themselves more than $12 million in fuel costs since 2012 – displacing more than 8.5 million gallons of diesel in the process. More than 40 natural gas refueling stations are now open in the state, and more are already on their way.
Pennsylvania’s Act 13 grant program for natural gas vehicles (NGVs) has played a major role in making these strides possible at a pivotal time. Unfortunately, the program expired at the end of 2014 and has not yet been renewed.
The continued expansion of natural gas fueling in Pennsylvania is a key element of our nation’s efforts to address our OPEC oil threat and move us to enhanced domestic energy security. A 2 to 3 year extension of the NGV program – which is funded through an impact fee on drilling companies – would go a long way to help leverage the private investment needed to develop the kind of natural gas refueling network Pennsylvania really needs to introduce real competition at the pump.
Stakeholders are currently working with state legislators to try to get a temporary extension of the program passed. We’ll be keeping an eye on those efforts in Harrisburg. As things develop, we’ll be sure to keep you updated and let you know what you can do to help.