The Kansas City Star reports that the Paris of the Plains is about to go from one natural-gas filling station to many.
For years, Kansas Gas Service has operated the only place in the area where the public could fill up a vehicle powered by compressed natural gas and take advantage of a fuel that burns cleaner and is cheaper than gasoline or diesel. But plenty of activity is stirring in what has been a backwater of the energy business. Not only has the Kansas Gas Service outlet in Overland Park been improved to fill more vehicles faster, the chances of having more filling stations in the area are brightening.
And with gas prices hovering just under $4.00 a gallon, the timing of this influx of natural-gas filling stations couldn’t be better.
“I think we’re on the verge of having a real infrastructure for the public and fleets,” said Kelly Gilbert, the director of transportation for the Metropolitan Energy Center, a Kansas City-based nonprofit group that promotes energy efficiency.
Read more HERE.