Check out this article in Tuesday’s Houston Chronicle.
Right now, American natural gas is selling for $2.77 to $2.97 per Mcf.
But look at these prices overseas:
$8.84 per Mcf in Great Britain
$9.82 per Mcf in Spain
$10.95 per Mcf in India
$12.10 per Mcf in Rio De Janeiro
$13.40 per Mcf in China
and a whopping $13.80 per Mcf in Japan!
As Boone Pickens has pointed out again and again, we’ve got the world’s least expensive natural gas right her in America, yet we’re not doing enough with it. Instead of using it to power our big rigs and reduce our dangerous dependence on OPEC oil, we’re talking about exporting it overseas so other countries can benefit from America’s abundance.
What kind of a plan is that?
Read more HERE.