Today, the Philadelphia Inquirer published “Natural Gas in the Tank: The Way to Energy Independence” by Mike Johnston, Pennsylvania state leader for the Pickens Plan. Mike singles out the insane transfer of hard-earned American dollars overseas – more than $1 billion a day – and then asks the essential question that underpins the Plan: how can America stop sending so many billions overseas for foreign oil?
In July, we imported 359 million barrels of oil, 11.5 million barrels a day, at $85 to $115 a barrel. That’s about $1.4 billion dollars a day out of the U.S. economy and into the coffers of countries such as Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Iraq and Nigeria.
Mike goes on to detail the many ways America’s enormous natural gas reserves can be used to fuel fleets as well as heavy duty trucks.
Heavy trucks can’t run on batteries, and gasoline engines don’t deliver the fuel economy they need.
Read Mike’s entire column HERE.