has named T. Boone Pickens one of their top three “Green CEOs.” The other two are Larry Page, CEO of Google; and Sir Richard Branson, Chairman of the Virgin Group.

Speaking of Mr. Pickens, the article stated that in spite of being one of America’s best-known oil-and-gas executives,

“T. Boone Pickens may be one of the key figures for the green movement going forward. As much as environmentalists may loathe to admit it, it’s the same people in positions of power in the traditional energy sectors with the infrastructure and capital in place that may offer the most realistic chance of success for green energy.”

About the Pickens Plan, the authors wrote:

“With 1.7 million supporters signed on to support his plan, Pickens is now lobbying Congress to pass legislation that will provide tax incentives for companies that convert light and heavy truck fleets to run on natural gas. According to his proposal, having just 8 million of these vehicles on the road would cut the need for US oil imports in half.”

To read the entire article about the three top Green CEOs, click HERE

— The Pickens Team