U.S. Rep. John Sullivan (R-OK) is the sponsor of the NAT GAS Act (H.R. 1380). In support his bill, Rep. Sullivan published an op-ed in the Roll Call newspapers – the newspaper which focuses on Capitol Hill.
In his essay, titled “Using Natural Gas to Settle the Score With OPEC” Sullivan writes H.R. 1380 is a “plan to end our addiction to oil from the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and to create hundreds of thousands of American jobs.”
The bill currently has 182 bipartisan co-sponsors and published support from 240 American businesses who support the bill Sullivan says, “to reclaim our energy, economic and national security future by unleashing the vast potential of American-made natural gas as a transportation fuel.”
In June, in figures released just this week by the Federal government, the U.S. imported 343 million barrels of oil at a cost of about $1.3 billion per day.
H.R. 1380, Sullivan writes:
provides short-term targeted tax credits to anyone who chooses to build or buy a vehicle that runs on cheaper, American-made natural gas. Lowering taxes to encourage the use of more natural gas vehicles on our roads will send a strong message to OPEC that we are determined to even the score.
Writing about the opposition to the NAT GAS Act, Sullivan said:
Unfortunately, our bill’s opponents don’t like natural gas for power generation, for export or as a transportation fuel. They would rather hoard it for their own use at the expense of millions of Americans and businesses suffering under the weight of high, unpredictable gas prices.
Sullivan calls for the passage of H.R. 1380 because,
Our energy future is not going to secure itself. It’s up to we the people to stand up and demand it. That is something worth fighting for.
To read the entire op-ed in Roll Call, click HERE.
— The Pickens Team