Yearly Archives


Pickens Plan Media Coverage 3.6.10-3.8.10

  • March 8, 2010

Keep on Trucking – Wall Street Journal – 3/8/10 ECO:nomics: Creating Environmental Capital – Wall Street Journal – 3/8/10 Support Nat Gas Act, Pickens Plan – East Valley Tribune – 3/7/10 Electricity Generation: Gas Producers Take On Coal – Fort Worth Business Press – 3/8/10 Clear Skies Ahead For Colorado Clean Energy – – Continue Reading

Boone on Nat Gas & Wind in the Wall Street Journal

  • March 8, 2010

The Wall Street Journal ran a special section on energy earlier this week. As part of that, they did an interview with T. Boone Pickens. Here is an edited version of that conversation: WSJ: Is there real concern about our continuing to depend on imported oil? BOONE: The American people are concerned. I’ve got 1,627,000 Continue Reading

Breakthrough Nat Gas Proposal in Colorado

  • March 8, 2010

In another example of the extraordinary amount of natural gas now available for recovery in North America, Governor Bill Ritter of Colorado has announced a legislative proposal which will “require Xcel Energy to sharply reduce pollutants by retiring, retrofitting or repowering Front Range coal-fired power plants by the end of 2017 and replacing them with Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 3.5.10

  • March 5, 2010

Pickens: Exploit US Natural Gas, Replace OPEC Oil – CNBC – 3/4/10 Pickens To Develop 500 MW Of Wind Power – Dow Jones – 3/4/10 Boone Pickens: Wind Farm Still on Track – WSJ Blog – 3/4/10 Reporter’s Notebook: Pickens And The Great White North – MarketWatch – 3/5/10 The $62 Million T. Boone Pickens Continue Reading

8 Million 18-wheelers

  • March 4, 2010

Boone challenges Washington leadership to convert 18 wheelers to natural gas on CNBC. Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 3.4.10

  • March 4, 2010

Disney CEO, Robert Iger, on Corporate Sustainability – Greentech Media – 3/4/10 Video: Anadarko CEO Talks up Nat Gas on ‘Mad Money’ – Houston Chronicle Blog – 3/3/10 Revision Makes Pickens Plan A Lot More Workable – Houston Chronicle – 3/3/10 Forward March: New Villains in Old Story, but Dems Face Own Distractions – ABC’s Continue Reading

Boone on CNBC

  • March 4, 2010

T. Boone Pickens appeared on CNBC Thursday morning live from the Wall Street Journal’s Eco-nomic Conference in California. Boone talked about moving “the 8 million 18-wheelers” in the United States from burning imported diesel to running on domestic natural gas. He said that the nation should follow the “Southern California model” which has put a Continue Reading

Catch Boone on CNBC and Fox Business today

  • March 4, 2010

Army, Make sure to watch Boone today on CNBC at 11:15am EST and Fox Business at 2pm EST. Tune in! Team Pickens Continue Reading

Texas Sets Wind Energy Record

  • March 3, 2010

This Sunday wind power fueled more than 22 percent of the electricity generated in Texas, an important step for America as it develops one of many untapped domestic energy resources. Continue Reading

Boone's ECOnomics

  • March 3, 2010

Boone gathers with energy leaders this week to update them from last year’s conference – here’s a quick look at 2009. Continue Reading