Yearly Archives


Pickens Plan Media Coverage 4.7.10

  • April 8, 2010

Clean Energy Conferences Sprout in Spring and Early Summer – Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Network News – 4/7/10 Young: Signs Across Texas – Austin American Statesman – 4/6/10 Clean Energy Future Needs More Than Slogan-Based Solutions – Daily Illini – 4/6/10 Wind Power: The Energy For Future – The Financial Express – 4/7/10 WGN Continue Reading

Map: Natural gas shale basin locations in the United States

  • April 7, 2010

Shale gas is possibly the most important new energy discovery in the United States. T. Boone Pickens has even said that “abundant gas reserves in the United States make the country the Saudi Arabia of natural gas.” So where in the U.S. are these natural gas basins located? Check out this map below to see Continue Reading

Plant Your Tree Today

  • April 7, 2010

Boone speaks to leaders in the Natural Gas vehicle industry in Kentucky. They know their efforts will help reduce America’s dangerous dependence on OPEC oil. Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 4.3.10-4.5.10

  • April 5, 2010

Pickens: Drilling Isn’t The Answer – Philadelphia Inquirer – 4/4/10 Offshore Drilling’s Payoff May Not Be Energy – NPR Weekend Edition Saturday – 4/3/10 Biggest Names in Business Share Forecasts – The Street – 4/5/10 Offshore Drilling And Those Dead Armadillos In The Road – Fort Worth Business Press – 4/5/10 Cheap And Plentiful Shale Continue Reading

Drilling Isn't the Answer

  • April 5, 2010

In a story in Sunday’s Philadelphia Inquirer, T. Boone Pickens responded to the announcement last week by President Barack Obama that he is expanding offshore drilling. Excerpted comments and a link to the complete story follow: ON THE ABUNDANCE OF DOMESTIC NATURAL GAS: “This is our chance. I think it’s almost divine intervention that we Continue Reading

Energy Execs Weigh In On President's Plan

  • April 2, 2010

Energy executives, including T. Boone Pickens, weighed in on President Obama’s announcement this week to allow offshore drilling in areas along the coasts of Virginia, North Carolina, Florida, and Alaska. “We should be taking full advantage of every available American resource to help decrease our crippling dependency on foreign oil — a dependency that is Continue Reading

The Dyland Ratigan Show – T. Boone Pickens weighs in on offshore drilling

  • April 2, 2010

Boone: “The fastest way to get off foreign oil is to pass the NAT GAS Act and to use our abundant natural gas supply for transportation.” Continue Reading

Boone Reacts to Obama Plan

  • April 1, 2010

President Obama rolls out new oil and gas development plans. Boone says it’s a good start but the NAT GAS Act (H.R. 1835 and S. 1408) will help reduce our dependence on foreign oil. Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 4.1.10

  • April 1, 2010

Risk Is Clear in Drilling; Payoff Isn’t – New York Times – 4/1/10 Oklahoma Oil And Gas Executives Give Mixed Reviews For Oil Plan – The Oklahoman – 4/1/10 Obama Expands Offshore Drilling – Tulsa World – 4/1/10 T. Boone Pickens: Tilting At Minnesota Windmills? – – 4/1/10 Pickens Reacts To Offshore Drilling Plans Continue Reading