Yearly Archives


Oil Payments Fund Militants Fighting U.S. Soldiers

  • December 5, 2010

Best-selling author and three-time Pulitzer Prize winner Thomas Friedman reports that America’s addiction to imported oil continues to line the pockets of international terrorists presently fighting our armed forces in the Middle East. After reviewing recently leaked diplomatic cables, Friedman writes in The New York Times that the U.S. dependence on foreign oil funds a wide array Continue Reading

Fiat to bring NGVs to the U.S.

  • December 2, 2010

According to an article on, Fiat SpA, the Italian car manufacturer, is planning to natural gas powered cars (NGVs) to the U.S. Market. Fiat, which owns a major share of Chrysler, “is the market leader in Europe in natural-gas engines, with an 80 percent share of methane-powered cars and 55 percent of light commercial Continue Reading

Heard on the Street: Nat Gas a “Boone” for China

  • November 30, 2010

In today’s Wall Street Journal, writer Liam Denning begins his “Heard on the Street” column with this question: “Will China adopt the Pickens Plan?” Denning makes the case that China is, in effect, “adopting the Pickens Plan” by moving smartly toward natural gas-powered vehicles (NGVs) because “China sits on vast reserves of shale gas, more Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 11.25.10-11.29.10

  • November 29, 2010

Stepping on the Gas – Wall Street Journal – 11/29/10 Fight Brews Over Natural Gas Fuel Stations – Atlanta Journal Constitution – 11/25/10 The World’s Largest Wind Farms – BBC – 11/25/10 Program For Economic Recovery And 2012 Victory – American Thinker – 11/27/10 Foreign Oil Dependency: The Root Cause of America’s Economic Pain – Continue Reading

Wall Street Journal: U.S. Behind in Nat Gas Vehicles

  • November 29, 2010

The Wall Street Journal ran a piece by reporter Benoit Faucon on the growth of natural gas vehicles (NGVs) in the world. According to Faucon: “Of the 11.4 million natural-gas vehicles currently in use world-wide, most can be found in the developing world … Pakistan led with way with 2.3 million as of December 2009, Continue Reading

Is Natural Gas the Fuel of the Future?

  • November 24, 2010

When The Santa Fe New Mexican took a closer look at natural-gas-fueled vehicles, it probably didn’t realize how much owners such as Barry Bitzer would talk up vehicles such as the Honda GX, which runs on compressed natural gas. Albuquerque’s Barry Bitzer likes the fact that his newly acquired Honda GX needs no gasoline and Continue Reading

Happy Thanksgiving

  • November 24, 2010

Boone is working hard through the Thanksgiving holiday. Let’s get natural gas legislation passed in the lame duck session. Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 11.23.10

  • November 23, 2010

Pickens: Why the US Needs Natural Gas Now – CNBC – 11/23/10 Energy and the Lame Duck – New York Times – 11/23/10 The Haynesville Shale: Major Opportunity & Risk – 24/7 Wall Street – 11/23/10 Natural Gas: Worse Than Coal & Diesel in Greenhouse Emissions? – Benzinga – 11/22/10 Famed Oilman Has Energy Solution Continue Reading

New York Times Urges Congress to Pass the Pickens Plan

  • November 23, 2010

In a scathing editorial, The New York Times lambasted Washington for its failure to pass legislation concerning energy and the environment. But it held out hope that in the next few weeks, Congress will right this wrong by ramping up the use of natural gas in heavy-duty trucks. Continue Reading

Deutsche Bank Predicts Massive Switch to Natural Gas

  • November 23, 2010

Reuters reports that global financial powerhouse Deutsche Bank is forecasting that it won’t be long before cleaner burning natural gas replaces coal as America’s leading power source. The Deutsche Bank report, which is titled Natural Gas and Renewables: A Secure Low Carbon Future Energy Plan for the United States, predicts that the falling price of America’s Continue Reading