Each week we’ll be reporting on some of the activities of our army members across the country. If you are interested in getting involved in your state, visit the State and District Leaders page here: https://pickensplan.com/district-leaderboard/
Legislative Update
The total number of co-sponsors for the NAT GAS Act (HR 1835): 146 Members of Congress
Is your Member of Congress a co-sponsor? Find out here: https://pickensplan.com/inyourstate
- Arizona State Leader Dave Clement is promoting and will be attending National AFV Day Odyssey this week. He is promoting the event thru Facebook and updates to his sphere. He is also continuing to encourage phone calls, letters etc. in support of natural gas legislation. He utilizes all tools of social media to push out his message.
- California State Leader John Nobles will be at Grace Church this week to talk about some of the ballot issues. He will make his standard pitch on Pickens Plan, Patriot 9-12, Tea Party and others are expected to attend. He also recently met with Michael Kelly who is running for the Board of Trustees at Victor Valley College. Michael is a Pickens Plan Member and also sells refitted CNG Vehicles. They have discussed a cooperative presentation.
- Idaho District Leader Ryan Jones continues to write Boise Mayor Dave Beiter and other local/state elected officials about natural gas fleets. He is continuing to do so on a weekly basis until he gets a “real” response.
- Idaho District Leader Jeremy Boggess continues his State Senate campaign and is spreading Pickens Plan flyers and talking to folks about energy independence and the plan.
- NY-05 District Leader Jon Hand was a panel member at last week’s 2nd Annual Energy Independence Day Seminar which was hosted by the American Jewish Committee. The moderator was former CIA Director, Jim Woolsey. Jon sat on a panel with experts in the nuclear, solar, wind and biofuel professions. Jon reports that there were roughly 100 audience members and that they were very attentive and well-versed in each of these fields. They were aware of the economic, environmental and political implications of each alternative source of fuel, as well as the influence OPEC has over the U.S. because of our dependence on them for oil. They were also familiar with the Pickens Plan! For participating on the panel, the AJC has offered to distribute Pickens Plan pamphlets with Jon’s contact information on it.
- T. Boone Pickens met with VA Governor Bob McDonnell on Wednesday for a private meeting and media availability with Virginia reporters. TBP also gave the Keynote Address at the Governor’s Conference on Energy, titled, “Virginia: the Energy Capital of the East Coast.”
- Virginia State Director Clynton Caines, Thomas Arrington (VA-04 DL) and Rodney Rooks (VA-07 DL) attended the VA energy conference.
Want to get involved in your State? Click here: https://pickensplan.com/district-leaderboard/