Political analysts are pointing to the Pickens Plan as playing an increasingly important role in upcoming energy legislation that will be proposed by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. So says Andrew Schenkel, a political reporter based in Washington who is also the former bureau chief for NBC-TV affiliate KCWY.
According to Schenkel, Reid announced that before year’s end, he would introduce a version of the Pickens Plan that incentivizes America’s own energy resources. The bill would be more streamlined than versions considered in 2008 and 2009, which included provisos relating to cap-and-trade. This new and improved bill clearly bears the imprint of the Texas energy executive, which is why it has a much greater possibility of passing, says Schenkel:
That is one big shift. Environmentalists’ best hope for something is now being modeled after an oilman’s plan.
Read Schenkel’s entire post HERE.