
It is important that no one tries to use the tragedy in the Gulf of Mexico to their own benefit, but I wanted to share with you two recent newspaper editorials that help make the case for the Pickens Plan in light of the current situation.

One is from the Houston Chronicle illustrating the effect of the oil spill on our dependence on foreign oil:

“To put things in perspective, if the BP spill is flowing at 20,000 barrels per day, that makes for an environmental catastrophe, but…it’s roughly one-tenth of 1 percent of what we use daily.”

“Here’s another number that might help:  700 billion barrels of oil equivalent. That’s a rough estimate of how much natural gas this country has, mostly trapped in shale formations from Texas to Colorado and in the West Virginia-Pennsylvania-New York region. It’s accessible without drilling through deep waters and the product is twice as clean as coal.”

To read the full editorial click here:

The second article you should read is from the Edmonton (Canada) Journal. Gary Lamphier writes:

“If the worst oil spill in U.S. history isn’t enough to make natural gas America’s new fuel of choice, I suspect nothing will.”

“It’s cheap, it’s cleaner burning than coal or oil, and with the recent development of massive new U.S. shale gas reserves, America is literally drowning in the stuff.”

And he finishes by quoting a Credit Suisse analyst:

“Natural gas…offers a cleaner, lower-risk solution to bridge the gap to a broader alternative energy platform.”

To read the full editorial click here:

— Boone