Peter Grudin, Vermont District 1 Leader
– Tell us about yourself.
My name is Peter Grudin, I’m retired now after a career as a college professor and dean. I read, write, and cultivate two acres of rocks in southern Vermont. I have a wonderful wife and two daughters. After them my great love is my tractor, which I will keep until one running on natural gas becomes available.
Currently, I am the president of the Southern Vermont Broad-Band Cooperative, an all-volunteer organization that provides the only source of broadband to the town of Stamford. I am also a justice of the peace.
– Why are you a part of the Pickens Plan?
I believe that corporate profits should never trump the welfare of our citizens and of the environment that supports them.
My generation has seen petroleum wielding and inappropriate share of political and economic torque. This has to stop. I want to see this country free of excessive dependence on a commodity we have to import. I also want to see new jobs created, the price of energy lowered, and the environment protected against the kinds of disasters oil, imported or pumped from the sea, holds potential.
– Tell us about things you’ve done to promote the Pickens Plan.
I have proposed a revision to some of the promotional material now used by the Pickens Plan. My revision has been accepted and will be used.
– Share one idea for what you’d like to accomplish through your work with the Pickens Plan in the next 3 months.
I hope to do more writing for this cause. I have great faith in the power of words and especially for the power of narrative. I would like to write a story that can help people understand just what our energy problems are and just what the best responses to them might be.
“Meet the Army” is a series here on Daily Pickens featuring New Energy Army members and how they are making a difference by being involved in the Pickens Plan. Who knows, maybe we’ll see you here soon! Click here to join your State and District Groups and get involved.