Gulf Oil Leak Could Last A Year: T. Boone PickensCNBC – 6/7/10

Bold Guess: Pickens Heralding 2010 Energy BillThe Oklahoman – 6/8/10

Oil SpillVentura County Star – 6/8/10

The Risks of Not Drilling – 6/7/10

T. Boone Pickens: This Oil Leak Could Go On For A Year Business Insider – 6/7/10

Solar And Wind Is Not An Energy Policy?FavStocks – 6/7/10

BP Backlash to Benefit Niche Energy Firm The Street – 6/8/10

Observations From The AMR Supply Chain Executive Conference: The Constant Interplay Between Efficiency And EffectivenessThe 21st Century Supply Chain – 6/8/10