Pickens Pushes Natural Gas After Oil Spill – Dallas Business Journal – 6/15/10

T. Boone Pickens Uses The Oil Spill To Advance His Agenda – Houston Press Blog – 6/15/10

Some Advice for Obama: Urge Entrepreneurial Spirit – Portfolio.com – 6/15/10

Natural Gas Producer Looking for Joint Venture Partnerships – Resource Investing News – 6/15/10

Three Visits – National Review Online – 6/16/10

While In Oklahoma City, U.S. Mayors Urge Higher Use Of Natural Gas – The Oklahoman – 6/15/10

Mayors Endorse ‘Green’ Construction Code, Natural-Gas Vehicles – Greenwire – 6/15/10

Pickens: Investigation Can Wait, Let BP Work – Associated Press – 6/15/10

Does Natural Gas Live Up to Its Billing? – American Institute for Economic Research – 6/16/10

The Speech – TownHall.com – 6/16/10

Rust Belt Reborn: Milwaukee Reinvents Itself As Clean Manufacturing Capital – Smart Planet – 6/16/10

Spill to Spur a New Clean Energy Bull Market? – TickerSpy – 6/16/10

Dave Fry: The Time Has Come for Natural Gas – The Street – 6/16/10