
The pace of battle is picking up!

Next Wednesday, April 14, I will be testifying before the U.S. House of Representatives Ways & Means Committee on the need for Congress to pass the NAT GAS Act.

Click on the link below to ask your elected officials to support the NAT GAS Act:

One thing I’m going to tell them is how I’ve got 1.6 million Americans sitting with me at the witness table—and they want an energy plan to get our country off OPEC oil, create new American jobs and keep the billions of dollars we send overseas working for our economy.

We’ve got the message – jobs, energy, economy, and national security.

We’ve got the vehicle –the NAT GAS Act

Now we need Congress to act — and that’s exactly what we’re asking them to do.

Click on the link below to ask your elected officials to support the NAT GAS Act:

We’ll have a lot more information for you during the week, so keep on your toes!
