In another example American industry making use of the abundance of natural gas in the United States, the New York Times is reporting that:
Developers have abandoned their plans for a coal-fired power plant slated for southeastern Nevada, choosing instead to use the site for plants fueled by natural gas and solar power.
According to reporter Robin Bravender, the 750 mega-watt facility will produce power through a new plan “to build a 700-megawatt natural gas plant with a 50- to 100-megawatt photovoltaic solar plant.”
Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate, Harry Reid (D-Nev) said in a statement:
“Clean natural gas projects like this will help us use this clean energy source to strengthen our economy while protecting Nevada’s great outdoors.”
According to the article, the developers “estimated that the natural gas and solar facilities would emit 60 percent less carbon dioxide and consume 60 percent less water than the coal-fired facility would have.”
To read the entire NY Times article click HERE.
— The Pickens Team