Unconventional natural gas has the potential to cause a paradigm shift in the fueling of North America’s energy future. That is one of the many conclusions of a recent report titled “Fueling North America’s Energy Future,” which was released earlier this month.
Here are a just a few of the many eye-opening points presented in the report:
• shale gas accounted for 1 percent of U.S. natural gas supply in 2000
• shale gas accounts for 20 percent of U.S. natural gas supply today
• shale gas could account for 50 of U.S. natural gas supply by 2035
• shale gas is emerging as the required “partner” for expanding renewable generation
• natural gas has half the carbon footprint of coal
• natural gas results in negligible emissions of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and mercury
• the new natural gas resource is a game changer
Download the report HERE.