Energy investor Michael Fitzsimmons is an energy investor who believes the fundamental realities of worldwide oil supply/demand are the biggest threat to the United States economy and its national security because worldwide oil supply will simply not keep up with worldwide oil demand.

He has written an essay which appears on the website entitled: Natural Gas Transportation – Why Not?

Fitzsimmons recaps the major Pickens Plan points about how much oil we’ve imported over the years and how much wealth we’ve transferred out to pay for it. “As Boone Pickens often says,” Fitzsimmons writes, “this is without a doubt the largest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind.”

He writes about the abundance of natural gas in the U.S. saying that because of the shale plays

It is now clear the US has enough domestic natural gas to supply home heating and industrial consumption as well as to replace all dirty coal electrical generation and power half the US car and truck fleet – all of this, for at least 100 years.

Given that, he asks:

Why is such an obvious solution to the nation’s reliance on foreign oil not adopted? Why was none of the stimulus money spent on natural gas transportation infrastructure which would have created millions of good jobs and build an infrastructure that would pay dividends to all Americans for decades to come?

Fitzsimmons writes about the viability of Natural Gas Vehicles (NGVs) saying they are a “very mature technology;” that NGVs are safe “There is not one credible study done by an independent source indicating that NGVs are statistically or significantly more dangerous than are gasoline powered vehicles;” and are environmentally friendly:

“NGVs emit 30% less CO2 than do gasoline cars and trucks and 100% less of the toxic smog emissions. Natural gas electrical power generation emits 50% less CO2 and 100% less of the heavy metal toxic fly-ash coal plants are famous for producing.”

Michael Fitzsimmons then moves into the political and investment realm which you can read and decide for yourself, but the bulk of the essay is right on the mark: America needs NGVs.

Read the entire essay HERE.

— The Pickens Team