We imported 4.35 billion barrels of oil in 2009 at a cost of over half a million dollars per minute.
Yes, you read that correctly.
4.35 BILLION barrels imported in 2009.
Over $500,000 dollars spent per MINUTE on foreign oil.
That’s another $265 BILLION siphoned out of America’s struggling economy, and we still haven’t adopted a real energy plan to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.
For this reason I’m going back on the airwaves with a new television advertisement this week. In the ad, I encourage Americans to contact their Members of Congress immediately in support of the NAT GAS Act.
If you haven’t already signed the Energy Independence NOW petition, I encourage you to click here and sign it as soon as possible. This is important. Over 55,000 people have signed the petition in the past week. Let’s keep sending the message to Congress over and over and over again until they finally hear us and pass legislation to end our dangerous dependence on foreign oil.
We WILL get this done.