Yellow Cab President Jack Bewley © Dallas Business Journal

Yellow Cab President Jack Bewley at DFW Airport

The biggest cab company in North Texas is going green. Yellow Cab will spend an estimated $8 million to convert its fleet of taxis to run on natural gas instead of gasoline. As many as 500 Yellow Cab taxis could be converted at a cost of $10,000 to $15,000 per cab. The company and its affiliates control roughly 52 percent of the taxi traffic at DFW Airport.

Yellow Cab president Jack Bewley cited numerous reasons to make the switch, including current and future energy prices. Compressed natural gas costs $1.99 a gallon compared to $2.60 for a gallon of regular gasoline at the pump. Yellow Cab officials also believe that in the long run prices of compressed natural gas will be more stable than those of gasoline.

In addition, Yellow Cab wants to take advantage of a program that DFW Airport implemented last year that allows natural gas-powered taxis to go to the front of the cab line, Bewley said.

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