Pickens: ‘We’ve Had Our Wake-Up Call’ – The Hill – 1/13/10

Podesta and Pickens Stump for Natural Gas – NY Times Blog – 1/13/10

Pickens, Podesta Introduce New Ad Campaign – Clean Skies – 1/13/10

T. Boone Pickens Touts Natural Gas With New Ad Campaign – Talk Radio News Service – 1/13/10

Pickens says oil to hit $90/bbl by end year – Reuters – 1/13/10

T. Boone’s Wind Plans Halved & Headed North – Earth2Tech – 1/13/10

Oilman Pickens cuts GE wind turbine order by 50% – Associated Press – 1/13/10

Pickens Halves GE Turbine Order as Texas Project Falters – Recharge – 1/13/10

Pickens Reduces Order for Wind Turbines, Puts Panhandle Wind Farm on Hold – Dallas Morning News – 1/13/10

Pickens Shelves Wind Project – Wall Street Journal – 1/13/10

Pickens Ditches Texas Wind Project, Cozies Up to Natural Gas – BNET – 1/13/10

Green Ink: Oil Slumps and T. Boone Punts – WSJ Blog – 1/13/10

E2 Round-Up: Gore Defends EPA, Chamber Considers Climate Lawsuit, and Pickens Pulls Back on Wind – The Hill – 1/13/10

Area Stocks: Starwood Hotels Dips – News Times – 1/12/10

Branstad “Pleased” with 2009 Fundraising – Des Moines Register Blog – 1/12/10