Yearly Archives


Boone On The Road Again

  • January 9, 2009

Boone packed his white board and went back on the road this time to speak to the Rice University Baker Institute of Public Policy’s Energy Forum. Listen to what the students say. You are right, there should be an energy studies major! Now back to the books! Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 1.9.09

  • January 9, 2009

Obama Plans Alternative Energy Boost – Energy Risk – 1/8/09 Texas Oil Man Speaks to University Future Leaders – Malaysia Sun – 1/8/09 Pickens Lays Out Energy Plan – The Rice Thresher – 1/9/09 Democratic Senators Want More Support for Energy – Dallas Morning News – 1/9/09 Transmission ‘Superhighway’ Could Be in the Works – Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 1.8.09

  • January 8, 2009

Otter Backs Pickens in Drive to Cut Foreign Oil – Idaho Statesman – 1/8/09 T. Boone says Obama is on Right Track – Dallas Business Journal – 1/8/09 Obama: Unless U.S. Acts, Recession Could Last Years – San Antonio Business Journal – 1/8/09 Obama’s Green Energy Plans Build Hopes, Skepticism – Reuters – 1/8/09 Act Continue Reading

Jay Leno and Wind Tech

  • January 8, 2009

When T. Boone Pickens visited Jay Leno on the “Tonight Show” they discussed Jay’s interest in alternative energy sources, especially with the energy Jay uses in his garage in which he works on his motorcycle and classic car collections. Jay is going to upgrade his wind turbine with a new mag-lev turbine – a wind Continue Reading

Boone’s Statement on President-elect Obama’s Economic Speech

  • January 8, 2009

President-elect Barack Obama delivered a major speech today on the economic crisis and the coming stimulus package. Here is what Boone Pickens released immediately afterwards: “President-Elect Obama’s comments in his speech this morning represent an important first step in solving our nation’s energy crisis and getting our economy moving again. Investing in alternative energy, focusing Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 1.7.09

  • January 7, 2009

Pickens’ Big Plan for U.S. Energy Future – NECN – 1/7/09 Commodities Down, Hedge Funds Not Out As Market Looks To ’09 – Dow Jones – 1/6/09 Oil Prices to Top $100/bbl by End of 2010-Pickens – Reuters – 1/7/09 State Official Urges Manufacturing Aid – San Antonio Express – 1/7/09 T. Boone Pickens Likes Continue Reading

Jackson’s Proposed “Sustainability Strategy for Vehicles” is a merry-go-round that will keep America dependent upon foreign oil for decades to come.

  • January 7, 2009

– Earlier this week, Mitch Jackson of FedEx argued that natural gas was not a solution to displace our country’s current foreign oil dependence. He claims that diesel is lower in carbon and that the real solution should be hybrid, plug-in hybrid and battery electric vehicles powered by diesel and renewable energy sources like wind Continue Reading

Students Support the Pickens Plan

  • January 7, 2009

T. Boone Pickens did his first Town Hall of 2009 in Houston at Rice University on Monday afternoon. It was sponsored by the James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy. Prior to the Town Hall, Boone met with about a dozen students who are specifically studying the issues surrounding energy policy. The questions were Continue Reading

Oil Price Wars!

  • January 6, 2009

Army! We have to stay on offense! We can’t let the new Congress and the new Administration shove our dependence on foreign oil to the back burner. Here’s why. When we started the Pickens Plan last July, oil was at about $147 per barrel, gasoline at the pump was $4.11, and we were importing about Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 1.6.09

  • January 6, 2009

T. Boone Pickens to speak at Rice – KHOU – 1/6/09 The Promise of Wind: Embracing America’s Fastest-Growing Form of Renewable Energy – E/The Environmental Magazine – January/February 2009 Shale Gas: Savior or Treadmill? – Energy Tribune – 1/5/09 Reader: Join the Pickens Plan – The News and Tribune – 1/6/09 Famous Last Words: Five Continue Reading