Yearly Archives


  • July 20, 2009

Writer Will Brackett takes a look at the state of the Pickens Plan at the one-year anniversary: Brackett reminds his readers that a significant event occurred on the actual date of the one-year mark which was: n July 8 with the introduction of the NAT GAS Act in the U.S. Senate (Senate Bill 1408) with Continue Reading

Washington Times Writes about Boone & The Pickens Plan

  • July 19, 2009

The Washington Times, one of the two major dailies in the Nation’s Capital, has a major story about T. Boone Pickens and the state of the Pickens Plan. The article, written by reporter John Krudy, points that Boone “is ramping up his campaign to cure the nation’s energy dependence in the face of skeptics who Continue Reading

Fact of the Day – July 17, 2009

  • July 17, 2009

Oklahoma Gov. Brad Henry recently signed legislation to encourage Oklahoma motorists to fuel their cars and trucks with compressed natural gas. Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 7.17.09

  • July 17, 2009

Pickens Said to Seek Investors for Hedge Funds After 79% Gain – Bloomberg – 7/17/09 U.S. and China Agree to Study Ways to Make Buildings More Energy-Efficient – The New York Times – 7/16/09 Twenty Dollars Per Gallon – – 7/16/09 Perfect Time, Place For Clean Energy Summit – Las Vegas Sun – 7/17/09 Continue Reading

We’re having another great week!

  • July 16, 2009

Army: Boone has several national and local media appearances coming up in the next few days that we want to let you know about: — He’ll be on the Tom Sullivan Show on Fox News Radio TODAY at 5:06 pm Eastern Time. — On Monday, July 20, Boone will appear on WGN Radio out of Continue Reading

Fact of the Day – July 16, 2009

  • July 16, 2009

At a recent energy conference sponsored by the Southern Growth Policies Board, Gov. Mike Beebe (D-AR) said that developing a new energy policy will give states a chance to create jobs.  Arkansas has recently attracted four foreign companies that make wind turbine components. Continue Reading

Pickens Plan Media Coverage 7.16.09

  • July 16, 2009

Public-Policy Stars to Come Out at Green Energy Summit – Las Vegas Review Journal – 7/16/09 American and China Pledge to Study Energy-Efficient Building Practices – New York Times – 7/16/09 Massive Shale Gas Field Found in BC – Slave River Journal – 7/15/09 Natural Gas: Coming to a Vehicle Near You? – The Motley Continue Reading

Governor Schwarzenegger Leads a Boone Shout-out!

  • July 15, 2009

Boone’s friends line up for a group shout-out on all the Energy Independence Day Activities and the work of the Pickens Plan for the last 375 days. Continue Reading

Pickens Announces June Oil Imports. Threat to Security Remains.

  • July 15, 2009

The oil import numbers for June show no improvement in the amount or percentage of oil we are importing. Since January, the Pickens Plan has announced on a monthly basis the number of barrels we have imported, the amount we have sent out of the country to buy it, and the percentage of our oil Continue Reading