In the last two weeks we’ve added 22 co-sponsors to the NAT GAS Act, growing our total number of co-sponsors to 112!

Because of you, the NAT GAS Act (H.R. 1835) is gaining momentum and we’re adding new legislative co-sponsors everyday. But we’ve got to keep going.

We’re still working towards our goal of 120 co-sponsors by 11/20 and I know that together we can do it. Click here to email your Member of Congress and ask them to become a co-sponsor of the NAT GAS Act today.

Following is the full list of Members of Congress who are supporting H.R. 1835.

Rep Abercrombie, Neil [HI-1] – 4/1/2009
Rep Aderholt, Robert B. [AL-4] – 6/19/2009
Rep Alexander, Rodney [LA-5] – 6/8/2009
Rep Altmire, Jason [PA-4] – 11/3/2009
Rep Bachus, Spencer [AL-6] – 6/8/2009
Rep Barrow, John [GA-12] – 4/27/2009
Rep Barton, Joe [TX-6] – 6/16/2009
Rep Berry, Marion [AR-1] – 9/8/2009
Rep Biggert, Judy [IL-13] – 9/15/2009
Rep Bilbray, Brian P. [CA-50] – 5/21/2009
Rep Bishop, Sanford D., Jr. [GA-2] – 4/1/2009
Rep Blackburn, Marsha [TN-7] – 5/21/2009
Rep Boccieri, John A. [OH-16] – 10/29/2009
Rep Bonner, Jo [AL-1] – 7/31/2009
Rep Bono Mack, Mary [CA-45] – 5/21/2009
Rep Boozman, John [AR-3] – 4/21/2009
Rep Bright, Bobby [AL-2] – 7/28/2009
Rep Brown, Henry E., Jr. [SC-1] – 6/4/2009
Rep Burgess, Michael C. [TX-26] – 4/1/2009
Rep Burton, Dan [IN-5] – 5/21/2009
Rep Calvert, Ken [CA-44] – 5/7/2009
Rep Capuano, Michael E. [MA-8] – 6/4/2009
Rep Carney, Christopher P. [PA-10] – 10/29/2009
Rep Carter, John R. [TX-31] – 7/10/2009
Rep Cassidy, Bill [LA-6] – 5/21/2009
Rep Chandler, Ben [KY-6] – 10/29/2009
Rep Clay, Wm. Lacy [MO-1] – 9/15/2009
Rep Cole, Tom [OK-4] – 4/28/2009
Rep Conaway, K. Michael [TX-11] – 4/1/2009
Rep Courtney, Joe [CT-2] – 10/29/2009
Rep Cuellar, Henry [TX-28] – 6/2/2009
Rep Davis, Artur [AL-7] – 6/19/2009
Rep Davis, Lincoln [TN-4] – 7/7/2009
Rep Delahunt, William D. [MA-10] – 5/21/2009
Rep Edwards, Chet [TX-17] – 6/10/2009
Rep Ellison, Keith [MN-5] – 9/8/2009
Rep Fallin, Mary [OK-5] – 4/22/2009
Rep Fleming, John [LA-4] – 5/7/2009
Rep Foster, Bill [IL-14] – 4/27/2009
Rep Franks, Trent [AZ-2] – 5/5/2009
Rep Gerlach, Jim [PA-6] – 5/21/2009
Rep Granger, Kay [TX-12] – 5/21/2009
Rep Green, Al [TX-9] – 4/22/2009
Rep Green, Gene [TX-29] – 5/21/2009
Rep Griffith, Parker [AL-5] – 10/29/2009
Rep Hall, Ralph M. [TX-4] – 5/5/2009
Rep Hare, Phil [IL-17] – 11/3/2009
Rep Harper, Gregg [MS-3] – 7/14/2009
Rep Hodes, Paul W. [NH-2] – 9/22/2009
Rep Issa, Darrell E. [CA-49] – 9/22/2009
Rep Johnson, Sam [TX-3] – 7/8/2009
Rep Jones, Walter B., Jr. [NC-3] – 9/8/2009
Rep Kagen, Steve [WI-8] – 4/1/2009
Rep Kaptur, Marcy [OH-9] – 10/29/2009
Rep Kilpatrick, Carolyn C. [MI-13] – 4/21/2009
Rep King, Peter T. [NY-3] – 9/22/2009
Rep Kirkpatrick, Ann [AZ-1] – 10/8/2009
Rep Kissell, Larry [NC-8] – 7/7/2009
Rep Kratovil, Frank, Jr. [MD-1] – 6/24/2009
Rep Larson, John B. [CT-1] – 4/1/2009
Rep Loebsack, David [IA-2] – 5/5/2009
Rep Lucas, Frank D. [OK-3] – 5/7/2009
Rep Lujan, Ben Ray [NM-3] – 10/20/2009
Rep Lummis, Cynthia M. [WY] – 10/29/2009
Rep Lungren, Daniel E. [CA-3] – 10/27/2009
Rep Marchant, Kenny [TX-24] – 4/21/2009
Rep Markey, Betsy [CO-4] – 4/1/2009
Rep Massa, Eric J. J. [NY-29] – 5/5/2009
Rep Matheson, Jim [UT-2] – 7/15/2009
Rep McCaul, Michael T. [TX-10] – 4/30/2009
Rep McCotter, Thaddeus G. [MI-11] – 6/2/2009
Rep McIntyre, Mike [NC-7] – 4/23/2009
Rep McMahon, Michael E. [NY-13] – 4/1/2009
Rep Meeks, Gregory W. [NY-6] – 10/26/2009
Rep Melancon, Charlie [LA-3] – 6/16/2009
Rep Miller, Jeff [FL-1] – 4/1/2009
Rep Minnick, Walter [ID-1] – 4/1/2009
Rep Mollohan, Alan B. [WV-1] – 10/29/2009
Rep Murphy, Christopher S. [CT-5] – 10/29/2009
Rep Murphy, Tim [PA-18] – 7/21/2009
Rep Norton, Eleanor Holmes [DC] – 6/2/2009
Rep Nunes, Devin [CA-21] – 5/5/2009
Rep Ortiz, Solomon P. [TX-27] – 9/10/2009
Rep Paul, Ron [TX-14] – 4/21/2009
Rep Paulsen, Erik [MN-3] – 6/10/2009
Rep Perlmutter, Ed [CO-7] – 4/27/2009
Rep Pierluisi, Pedro R. [PR] – 6/2/2009
Rep Platts, Todd Russell [PA-19] – 5/21/2009
Rep Pomeroy, Earl [ND] – 10/29/2009
Rep Rogers, Mike D. [AL-3] – 5/5/2009
Rep Ross, Mike [AR-4] – 4/21/2009
Rep Rothman, Steven R. [NJ-9] – 6/12/2009
Rep Ryan, Tim [OH-17] – 10/6/2009
Rep Salazar, John T. [CO-3] – 6/2/2009
Rep Scalise, Steve [LA-1] – 5/7/2009
Rep Sestak, Joe [PA-7] – 9/8/2009
Rep Shadegg, John B. [AZ-3] – 4/21/2009
Rep Shuler, Heath [NC-11] – 10/29/2009
Rep Shuster, Bill [PA-9] – 11/3/2009
Rep Simpson, Michael K. [ID-2] – 11/3/2009
Rep Sires, Albio [NJ-13] – 4/21/2009
Rep Slaughter, Louise McIntosh [NY-28] – 10/21/2009
Rep Snyder, Vic [AR-2] – 6/2/2009
Rep Sullivan, John [OK-1] – 4/1/2009
Rep Sutton, Betty [OH-13] – 10/29/2009
Rep Teague, Harry [NM-2] – 4/1/2009
Rep Thompson, Mike [CA-1] – 4/1/2009
Rep Thornberry, Mac [TX-13] – 4/28/2009
Rep Tiberi, Patrick J. [OH-12] – 6/12/2009
Rep Towns, Edolphus [NY-10] – 10/29/2009
Rep Wittman, Robert J. [VA-1] – 10/27/2009
Rep Wu, David [OR-1] – 10/14/2009