Hi Army:
October is Energy Awareness Month. With Fall arriving in most parts of the country, this is a great time to check our home insulation, weatherize windows and doors, and install compact fluorescent light bulbs.
One of our long-time Pickens Plan partners, Owens Corning, is a leader in energy efficiency.
We’ve partnered with them to launch a new feature on PickensPlan.com dedicated to energy efficiency.
In addition to finding information about how to make your home more energy efficient, you’ll also find discussion forums and groups dedicated to the topic.
Click here to visit the new Energy Efficiency page on our website and join the conversation. Let us know what you’re doing to be more energy efficient.
The Pickens Plan is a complete plan. And conservation is a big part of it.
— Team Pickens
P.S. We’re also celebrating Energy Awareness Month on Twitter and Facebook. To follow our facts and tips all month long, follow us on Twitter @pickensplan or become our fan at www.Facebook.com/PickensPlan.
Also, Boone will be making the following appearances this week:
— CNBC Squawk Box
Tuesday, 10/6, 7-8 am ET
— Imus in the Morning with Don Imus
Wednesday, 10/7, 9:05 am ET