President Obama challenged America’s researchers, political leaders, and citizens to take the necessary steps to become the world’s clean energy leader. In a speech at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Friday afternoon, the president said the country that wins this competition to develop and implement clean energy systems and technology “… will be the nation that leads the global economy. I’m convinced of that. I want America to be that nation. It’s that simple.”
During the 20-minute speech, President Obama also singled out how important developing an energy policy is to each and every American. “Everybody in America should have a stake in legislation that can transform our energy system into one that’s more efficient,” he said.
The president also recognized that there now exists increased competition for limited energy resources from all corners of the globe. “Countries in all corners of this earth recognize that energy is becoming scarcer,” Obama said, “and energy use is endangering the planet.”
He then went on to point out the stimulus package that was signed into law earlier this year directed more than $80 billion in renewable energy projects.